I quit coffee a month ago. (Not every caffeine beverage)
Quitting coffee is not so easy as you expect.
(Its always difficult to limit myself about anything)
I've been drinking a cup of coffee a day.
I always knew Im sensitive to caffeine but couldn't stop
Actually It was half-voluntary becoz I used to have stomachache whenever I had coffee.
Thats why I decided to quit.
So here Im going to tell you about benefits I've experienced from quitting coffee.
1. Overcome an addiction to coffee.
It made me feel great that I take more control of my life.
2. Better sleep.
I couldn't fall asleep when I had coffee after 3 pm.
It made me tired next day and I drink caffeine again.
then can't sleep again. Endless circle.
3. Decrease tension.
Caffenine affects the mood and anxiety.
I am less anxious after quit coffee.
4. Migraine.
You already know that caffeine can cause migraine.
I used to have migraine before period and rainy day.
But I haven't had a migraine since I quit coffee.
5. Saving money.
Think about how much money you spend at Starbucks.
6. Digestive discomfort.
This in the biggest reason as I mentioned earlier.
Coffee can cause gastritis.
I feel really fine nowdays.
I drink a cup of tea has no caffeine everymorning