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IHERB nude palette

      >>IHERB nude palette    


Me Before You.


I bought this book 3 days ago, and I finished it yesterday.
This novel is so popular and I heard its going to be made into movie.
Well, I think its perfect story for movie.
A girl was born poor but with potential ability of fashion
and finally met rich guy doomed to die.
How perfect is that .
I knew Will is going to die in the end of this story.
But this writer gave me endless hope that Louisa may succeed!!!
So cruel.
I thought stop reading when they gone to farewell travel.
(but I couldn't stop. I read every single page)
I read some reviews said
 'Don't read this novel on subway or cafe bocoz you are going to cry'
Um, I didn't cry?
But I still little depressed becoz of this novel.

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