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IHERB nude palette

      >>IHERB nude palette    


Grapefruit tea and Croquemonsieur and a book.

I met a friend on last friday.
We met in high school so we have been friends for a long time.
We talk about diet, cosmetics, friends, work, TV shows, ex bf,
other friend's ex, movies, ppl I hate, ppl she hates...... etc (actually everything in our life)
But recently , I've been going through some things and I need things to distract me.
I thought books are the easiest way to get over, She recommended some books,
I chose this.
the hundred year old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared 
Other than that, Having a conversation with old friend is another way to ease things.


Croque - monsieur.
That reminds me learing french was one of my new year resolutions.

This grapefruit tea was so nice.
All gone.

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