추천 게시물

IHERB nude palette

      >>IHERB nude palette    


Rasberry shampoo & Tea.

I heard red rasberry is good for hair loss.
My hair is fine now (actually thick)
 but the earlier I start paying attention , the more effectiveness.
(If your parents have hair loss , You need to start to caring for your hair from early age.)
It looks like a toothpaste.
(actually I wanted to taste it)
I'm in my late(or mid) 20's.
Its may time to pay attention to health.
...And I want to look youger than my age.
I bought tea bags.
Strawberry, Lemon, Black cherry tea.
Alternatives to coffee.
Black cherry tea for today.
Getting colder.
Stay warm everyone. (Anyone read this blog)
Thank you for reading this boring & nor infromative blog.

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